spurtLandia pretensions encapsulated
making fun of fomented freeSpirits
as they quote unquote pLay,
working off pHat distinctions of our acidic
yeastCoast mixTape monkeys (quote:unquote
around with oHsue primate skytrolley
takes two ends for middle gRound
to harbor passages
that is why the show is so well received:
aerial detachment, built on the backs of the pRow
-lariat gentry, once of elA, always
of sell-out A fellow angel booted out off the southBank,
not from hearing range
but from sneering plane,
taking the Lorne Wolf back to snIde-a-ho
for a dressing down
starting with hAiry Shearerings
&ending with a canadian Mounty trucking your sass
back to the LA echochamber
from which comedy is inCubeAted on other's expense accounts.
what is not funny
is what they avoid at all cost: vapid whiffs of one's own sold out soul,
french drains put in where
self mockery never rains. much less feeds a fake dynasty
than dines on our nasty
foie de mardi gras, Yently.