Tuesday, June 10, 2014

guest swervices at nomad hall

diplo-door matted hair,
the rounder squared equals infamy
in best western glory holes
where ice is forged
from peat moss golf balls,
nesting salt birds
midwife the morning in a lunge toward a cereal bowl
impromptu bondo-lid
wide latitude and good graces harp the gates with skip's cello
bending notes as dave's flexible overgrown
with whys forsaken
the chopped down silver trees of my forest go toward love
at a hurried pace only slacked
in a remonstrance barely suited for the pleasure

cue ball blue

at field's edge, sedge hammers
the head with ruby inclusions

the form pours
an endless bucket into the heart as visitors stay to go happy

face down in the soaking pool hall,
bill yards lay waste

to reclusive paramours,
parameters set by proximity to the fire pit

distal stars
set in a firmament

in which i utterly
matter to equate silence

in trajectories aligned,
calculations shot and cues not mistaken