Saturday, August 16, 2014

high gene cavity ark

indentured bliss fulfilled the memes of her contract,
took off with the sugar jar full of teeth
to trade wise roots

for a cavity
no freeman could pull,
there on the sequestered desert mountain

surrounded by money floods
leaving leaf arks
two by two, currencies exchanged in the saliva

of a handshake deal
wiped on our predecessor's sleeve.
high power

has faust and obscure religion to triangulate,
zoroaster and john jacob astor mated,
and slow pokey haunts us,

the ink still
16 years,
moving in fasts.

portland, oregon 8-16-14

ontology gravity

some get run up a mountain,
some hold on to the roots in the river bank.
some  must condescend. others duck.

some hunger carves silence tunnels,
some gluttony pukes bombs of noisy care.
sabaticals, fasts, purges, and gleanings.

the river runs full force
hold on to the mountain that holds onto you

portland, oregon august 2014