Thursday, September 1, 2022

Stole ass gravy

Lesser of potusevils, 

           scrutiny hyperbole

      Joe jan6   

 bpack kit traitor-de-electors

          (I take that case, gulp

   Cuz, There nada ok 

                      about the GOP

 Gulp       a glacier 

            went bye bye  

        As the unfranchised

      hit their limit loss 

In the meat aisle, hard

Too many wrongheads  

             in power 

Makes evolution slowa  

Why'd I have to 


America is a problem 

Unfixing intellect, 

         driven past brain 

Conservatives high  

             a mess inflames 

 get a lawyer 

Get a thou you crooks 

           dodge the dodgy books 

       Just Two marine plenty

For the proudboy army  

Do find a pardon,

       under the tray 

         Cell block DJT 

Plenty of soap 

  B  so wash that money 

Laundering phones 

             is clinkbithoney  

How secret is service 

     with a noose on their belt 

        & hung pence  

                         on their m.felt 


          Nada ok about 

     our GOP

They dug up 

Geronimo's skull 

       from the deepbluesea 

It smelled like mcu/DC 

          Great for the anti-we'economy  

     Don't got a lead,

           leader, not my


Don't got a Don 

      dim nope, not once catch 

All the sea shells  

        sold in Seychelles 

     bornNot a pearl 

       off the 6 floord


               Panama Caymans  

Delawared red flags 

Up their rose 

a thornflush (typical 


          Only not for towers, 

virgins in jets 

Just a few 

         intern sublets 

Nada okay 

about the DNC,

            reading up close infamy  mo smell 

               Kinda the same 

         as our GOP. 

               & It reeks,. 

           stole ass gravy.