Wednesday, March 26, 2025

big missus #1 #2 include all


the bulletproof brandy back next to eyeliner

hoard, the ermine he was determined to wear

to the dog sled race

now only a military parade and ottoman wife

to massage his sore pinkie

a signal papercut with a three ton bandaid

the earful from the oligarchs

shuttles his diplomacy

of locusts to find fresher more three piece suitable

clime, drip drip amoc 

the tanning sled flies gourded by guardless goons

gourdening gweenland

sleep on an an ice bed in ice land easier to spell

one finger typing itinerary

and what I did this week

walked out on thin ice and pogo sticked  

drove an army operation into atlantic

made my mullet point presentation

clubbed baby seals with don junior

stitched them together to walk on exiting 

the tarmac parade 

put that danish in a box the missus take to go

Sunday, March 16, 2025

pineskeep (2018)

Heart pines in ye wooden keep

Caer lined in ogre acorns three tonne each

Blown bout on drafts fire fears

Cold oak slaps iron-melted

Blood steeps nether retracted stairs,

Times cape unravelled

Bye threads of silkwyrm dragons

Nest ridden harpy songs demolish

Iced o'er moat

As crosswyrd puzzles furrough yon

Zero's brow a fathomless prow

Knots dreamed ocean tresses hullbrushed

Rivets star reflecting badges

Witch watched wishwash heaving

Havens no hart fog ventures 

November 18, 2018

Thursday, March 13, 2025



Poempeii (1994)


music is vibratory revolution

in auditory evolution

but that had little bearing as Poempeii was

immersed in burning retina ash

sealing fame, dogs became statues,

chamberpots became priceless,

boats got offshore fast& sailed dog ass fast

to north stars far from volcanoes

to sell insurance necklaces

&found capatalistic cults

they sent neighbors sons to war

to die of learning

to die of learning

to die unearning the flunk of spear,

arrow, bomb, sanction

howling sounds over took miasmas

of USA dreams waitressing overtook

the priestess smoking

& tv oversnookered us in a sedate slur of neuroses

leading Amnesia to reckon musick as

documentary dissolution

of perpetual persecution 


Revised 2017

leave it to the professionals (2015)


Leave it to the Professionals (2015)


comfort squats on the part time worker,

stealing a rest in the desert

where the prickly pear

blooms bewareness as part and parcel of a wary dumping ground

littered with garden party accoutrements,

swimming pools of undrinkable water

and plastic bottles racing past tumbleneeds

toward the boarder's fence

where squatters hold sway while

trying to do number one or number two while avoiding

contact with an adverse terrain

of colosss husks

and burnt out pintos whose rusty comfort

returns his borrowed iron

into the ground by dropping sweat beads

onto a game floor

ruled by umps in loafers

who decree "play ball or blackball"

who scream "suck it up" while siphoning the gasps

of children fleeing "free tirade"

mad in the USA with boss springing the steens mtn. stallions free

In the movie version, in the disney venison,

getting comfortable with the corn eaters

in the black row of ledgers

running red ink

running out of metaphors for loss

running out of ways to screw with impunity

a stripped out threading where parts, partners,

frank steins brimming with bubbly "hey bub"

as the spokes define a hub

in the radial stretch of making it to the next paycheck

that bounces off the book cooker

and lands not on land but on the backs

of flipped turtles in their empire shells

calling the shots

from way off in lard conditioned eateries

making hypertension the medium whereby one presents any opinion

or addresses the gift of slave labor

to a hole knocked into a saguaro with a tiny sharp beak,

in a residential enclave cul de sac

guarded with goiters from incessant desk loitering

an ugly repose from which to respond

to pretty pleas for basic rites such as washing,

drinking, resting, breathing professional air

with unlicensed noses just out of reach

but easy to smack 


countin coup on fingers two (2006)

( September 28, 2006 )


countin coup on fingers two

see me at my best, see me at my worst

what's to come if i've a choice will surely be a first

no need repeatin, nor lame retreatin

countin' coup is like gum on a shoe we all take beatin

and stuck underfoot's the trail of tears

of miles that shred and rivers fed of salty grindin gears

that focus gaze upon the grail

rollin earth, sky of peace, and bonds beyond bail

for at my least i'm a cultured beast

upon his story we verily feast

indentured to rhyme for this brief time,

enslaved to form to serve the norm which is a legal crime

even at my peak an even keel and a fairish deal

shall hull this craft beyond repeal

to venture seize, touch the base, plant flags of poems

and hatch the artifice beneath the dome 

spiral harp pooned (2018)


No love caresses my trellised lair

Ghost birds old songnests

Wind wrecked valley

Where no love hatches never eggs

By the peck so deep

It chips my firm

-ament. Blue morning growl,

No love found me

Surrounded in her tornado castle

Bricks flying mote by mote

Only a spiral harp of ivory remains 


scribe of light (2017)


look straight thru sun, telepathic moon,

her harrier's chemtrails o'er xmas lot boon;

   mount hood snow-draped mind

   a nuance telescoped north pole won't find

saint helen just over yon, yawning waxing 

waning glacial spawn, twilight color-splaining,

   numbered zones ignored, sun burrowed snore

   getting pretty dark and 'tis not yet four

in knob knocking planetary suspension

far flung sisters siting still, metatron's dominions

   composing translations of that world and this

   error unheard of in their aeolian bliss

   blue hues run nameless, aptly dividing

   night,  day hour children, nothing colliding



tabula rasa redneck (1987)

  tabula rasa redneck (1987)

we hit the interstate lethe early to get a jump

on all the traffic, thumbing our noses out the pequod

portholes at a sagging carload from

Friendly Manitoba, brown sedan blonde crewmates,

captain wearing hunting jacket& tie, scouring

clutter of roadsides for tracks of that great 

white worm,  there's a billboard

commanding MAGNIFY JESUS above dwindling

swindling snow left in patches glued to asphalt

w/oily carbohydrates,

neon cedar trees make a pinball game of drab

okie scenery, wounds of exposed roadside soil

bleed persimmon tears with snow melt,

sky etched jet delineates a tabula rasa horizon,

milky golden cattle graze, stretched over landscape,

their vacant stares at subsidy trucks

ease fears of recession,

speared into earth are Bodhisattva electrical towers,

reins of power lashed from dallas the emerald city,

a car on the right of way signals

to cut in, we let him, 

preying mantis highway lamps spy on us,

finally at the edge of OKC, dirty cemetary of

standard steel, a mounted jet guards the

greecian marble company's filth of antiquity,

over the cimmaron

and mud-wrenched middle ages, cancerous 

erosion of this biopsied slab of americana,

black hammers ram oil

from earth, blood of natives long sullied, 

pumped profits to zurich deny roadside cattle


                 ---arbuckle moonbounce---

pave the fallen twigs

of ground flesh with a road with no view


inside stuckey's tourist trap you can git

a plastic redman scalp 

or a buffalo burger broiled in the spandex TeePee

by the diesel pump THREE FER A BUCK cashier's

styrofoamed smirk says resurrect thyself,

fields of beggar's lice rattle their tin cups,

ancient rows of trees planted for windbreaks 

lay cut for firewood, farmhouses dial 

up the thermostat and watch keen eyed hawks

watch the middle east for a mouse 

to scamper across the winnebagoed road

to success, bathed in squished 

grapes of wrath, boom town soil-etude,

horses drop dung

out their trailers under our wheels, 

a semi is painted with the slogan 

SALAD MAKES THE MEAL, past the exit for

gene autry OK, huge samurai towers

lasso clouds, a sign advises do not drive

into smoke &suddenly we're entering Love County

where a man seemingly hitch hikes

while still driving, his thumb

a-praying out the wind'er


driving with dad

dalles dam. (2004)

A regular poem, built of mythos

Was slapping against the shore of the evening

As the damned engine's third eye cyclops

Punctured the fog

Off the belly of the Columbia river

Migratory birds unlike stuffed turkeys

Filling the aisles of listeria,

To outfly the fork is key strategy 

Here in nature world

Clouds do as

They will, we can piss them off

With planes and radars but they'll

Drift into morphed omens

Beyond all censor's snip-n-tuck discretion,

River and rock, now there's

A relationship built to wilt.

Put condos on the marshes

Call it reclamation victory

4 us ape clan!

The duty of a cementblock is to measure up

A soldier must crumble his pity

A duty of a doily is to administer grace

So regular poems go,

Decorum duncifies our landscape


The dalles, oregon

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Unseemly (2018)


the guardian of the secret, his filthy overcoat,

the squeezed tubes thrown out the window.

the models on standby.

all earth, on standby, in the armpit wings

looking at how stuffed an armadillo seems,

even on the half-shell with venus

on the dais, ms. vader in her avocado hat,

a whip at her side, or is it a tail?

the pencils sketch

the buttons fall.

grades, seasons, cheers from the colosseum

as the cheerleaders pom pom,

the chalk lines shift,

flags fly. 


Friday, February 28, 2025

divergent wishbone stump


ears scooped the twain tree

not the same wind, maybe the same storm don't remember

wazzunt tracking any atmospheric river or its hiccups

another tree  bolted one sprig one way

left the better root bound to stay the course

in the city, it's doomed too

in the nature, it has years, decades, a century or two 

z walked out from the shakedown

we'll spend the summer bucking wood for next winter

keep the red sea musk tube riviera to former gaza project 25, 

z has a thick bunion that why he wears kevlar jammies

tack the fence back together so the dog don't run

sweep up cart off the sticks leave the chipped mulch

or walk around, climb, take a moment to enjoy

wind pulls every wishbone

you think you won, 

no. no. no, 

tass gets shown the door that the AP isn't invited thru

carving the turkey left unsigned back to europe's canopy 

rooting for stability while off the beaten path,

same wind still blows the drones around, alliances dry

shed, root into mulch which does far more productive

work as nourishment than as gutter clogger

tho the galoshes industry thinks different 

nw pdx


page views 7 days? 

so I got one page view from the USA, none from europe

my stats list 4 poems viewed. 

 among them:


behind nsa tines

mind the chatter and pass the platter mr nsa
nickled and dimed on the end of a tine
"to rage, to set on fire------"
obsolete, "to shut in or enclose"
jays shriek bloody crow murders all around also cats
&a hawk hunting the freerange chickens
"troubled or distressed"
so LIKE a teen, pushing every idea
around the plate mrs nsa
with a digital fork
who's behind the times of tiney devil prongs
whose behind indeed,
caterwauling "Ne was there slave,
                              ne was there medicine
                              That mote recure their wounds;
                              so inly they did tine"
a spear for each gleaning
the thresher in our granary
sifting, combing our tun of info
far after the fact
pointeth out little red hen to those who only want to eat
our privacy and give none back.

Thursday, February 13, 2025



Comfort zone no mans land 

Got a few splinter 

Leaping fence, riding split rail 

Barbed wire limbo  

The hide tuft wind can't evict 

Quicker it's drank hotter it gets 

Wind sounds huge but trees largely rooted 

Top of skyline jets flight path yank 

Their quills from fuselage, 

Logos off the cockpit beak 

Get that last rivet tight, larry 

No moe says starbuck 

Boing off the mast curly slacking 

Ah man break he shout 

Pinecone bounces off yurt metal roof 

Now dat a storm 

Weathermen intone down valley  

Hold onto yer britches the comfort zone 

Blow up the hyped advisory 

Got a shiver in me timbers 

Undisclothed location, Oregon 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Noggin sap


Wake up under a tree hundreds of years 

Thick, what builds time  impetus 

No fire to repel 

No breeze opens pages 

Do some laps, go soak 

Compare contrast bodies 

Smile mostly or avert 

Must be nice rich by the pond 

Leaves sink sons sink 

Come visit and feed scowls or put pep

In the bonfire stare 

Three hundred sixty five times four

Plus another half year 

His uncle born during the civil war 

Put that in your noggin, sap  


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Let go sea


Lego sea, ligo sea 

Far flung astral speck of tree 

Drag yer anchor feral will 

Barbie pickup full a krill 

Goodbye mom, hello space 

The dumb jam out of place 

Sorry kids is that a fix 

Call jerry's orphanbaby trix 

Lego sea cubist ruin 

Took an outcast into tune 

Floatie on a barbwire ball 

Next shots yers,  cue cool draw 

Dutch infamy, ear off greed 

Snap together creativity 

Meant to join, pull apart 

Legacy male female chart 

Calculation spectral notion 

Quark drunk injun peeps information 

Lie go where drain built to be 

Plumber get fat that infamy 



Friday, January 3, 2025

fiddlehead etiolation


Wind tamps at bracken, lifting lufts 

Their tresses untrammeled 

Brow temple unheathered the winter song dried 

No need the plume 

Their reach exceed grasp other than child pluck 

Into sunlight on a window jamb

From crypt of cousined self 

The brood elbows to sun's breadline 

Shoot skeets toward skotomorphogenesis 

(Fingers dig dictionary ) 

The cotyledon towers in germination untranspired  

Still a bird in a jar  

His grandfather's fiddle buried, exhumed 

The night work unpainted a rembrandt shifts tuning toward photosynthesis, 

From blue grey to green