Thursday, July 10, 2014

hone cosmos blanket

In the yard of the court

Miniscule magic rules

The hood of my father

And previous lineage

From whence songbirds

Not shot for game

Epiphany the bricked soliloquy

Hemming a diorama

Of broke fast measures

Hungry to teeth on hard scrabble breezes

Only appreciated

In constant revery

Which astoundingly traverse

All known boundaries,

Appeasing top notch swerves

Toward inclusive mistrials

Laced in gladiator wrinkles

Earned by legions of fallen children

Only cloaked by time

With participation in harmony work

Learning song ropes

Knot by dread

But rather terse versimiltude

Cuffed in a rich nest of patrimony

Hidden in plain sight

The cosmos blanket

Infuses warmth meaning

Intention differentiated as strokes pull

This body over thousand year laps

Of kind human interactions

Dovetailed with survivals tools

Ancient warp and woof

Holding together

Our familial stagger

On coals and lesser novas

Grace notation on napkins

Illuminating skillsaws

Of cleaved seeds

Light travels unravelled

Revelry toll chirp

Clocking threads off maps

I have cradled to relish play and work,

To hone my existence.

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