Friday, February 6, 2015

the steeple tug, or pineapples of the dalles

the steeple tug sank, full of slaves:
the harbor burned, full of witches ignited:
the armory melted with ignorance more volatile:
the pulpit-mobile was misappropriated go and figure:
the stores once looted were vacant:
the library more full than ever with deer:
the dock was tarnished with commie sympathy:
the bakery cold useless, moths going freely with chaff on the chin:
the slaves once out of the steeple tug wore harbor water:
that had burned:
and was such blessed, in the weird american way:
sold downstream for a pretty bitcoin:
it were hard to get the burnt witch off the slave smell:
but the weaning bee taxed it off to texas:
and that was fat:

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