Sunday, August 2, 2015

rich eats

where undisclothed patrons sully pacific soirees
where does one rent a lynx by the nanomoment
in which rare vehicle shall we
commit law breaking speed in an entry reserved
for varmits on fire and comets slung by their entrails
how do you translate the brook by snuffing the trout
why splice the space between senators
for the ballast of the ocean
is the cleanest part of a man eating out of a paper plate on a billionaire's gazebo
where do i put my empties and self ease
how do i wrinkle my pleats and populist the donor list
when does roast beef hedge lemon merringue
is it an apertiff if it is the size of the fort wrath stockyard
what about those eels that sing old dixie
what about that diamond in her nose like a hummingbird
is science really a matter of menu
are emus really on the menu in carmellized glory
will folks really sell water for oil hey have a free keychain
whose poison poodle adorns the altar of constitution
couldn't a sphynx have larvae on the spot any moment
is veracity underwater like my moorage
why saute the poor when lower upper class are better flavored
do the cleanest eyes of angels not twitch
watching the rich ride pet toadies about in foxhunting attire
are they mundane in docile sleep under eight drinks of forgetitjuice
do the ads for better lies never quit?

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