Wednesday, June 21, 2017


offered a rib amidst naked women
as a peace offering from a sometime antagonist,
i made it part of me, used 3 napkins,
washed it down in 500 ales
the boar who ripped my torso making it my job
to subsume& conquer, to join as hunger entreats
in taking that which defines a city split
into factions, the low road meets the high path
in between i pick my teeth with dove wishbone
smash the plate on my head greet the bus
no problem digesting that can of populace as
it fits the zig in my broken side's zag,
22 years since last barbecue infested fridge
overwhelmed temptations for some self righteousness
at that hawthorne house wearing
scarlet lettered sauces where
my woman went astray, where my brothers fell
into her sty, where i broke my wrist in an empty kick
at a pinata the ceiling bore like fruit,
mane in streamers, toy filled,
plucked from one for the other to roast
in savory satire seasoned by real pain.

Portland,Or 6-1-17

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