Saturday, December 21, 2019

flotsam flotsam

flotsam flotsam. (2005)

The world's a thousand tongues long, kneedeepthick 
Memory sings a river of history tossing our bubbles
Along the horizon until we balance or steam
Hits the cold autumn encompassing,
Until the newest bestests shirk and shun
The signals creasing evening
Into origami feigning ministers and heads of state
We ratify and adhere to the codes of barbarism inscribed
On our ignoble gene troughs
When we deign to dabble in esoteric spasms
Of maudlin mod art, glory swine at the fair
As shallow as a ring toss game
As blank and callused as the ferris man's lever thumb
Hijack your self one liberty every foot a day,
Buddy can you spare a crime?
Mine is mint condition, said sabertoothsoothsayer,
Warble on, weary flotsam

2005. The dalles

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