Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Bump On the Head (2018)

The injured one, injures all, not inured in isolation;

A bad apple, metaphor sly weakens, rots the nation

     spreading bruise from falls or shoves,

     the outcast shadow lengthens  views on love

Done a wrong turn, "no fault of my own,"

Lucifer removed from god rib's glowing bone

     "dropped down among man, hurting us all"

     say the barrel of monkeys about the fall

Kicked out, pariah, nay saying scapegoat

Silver spoon don in his velvet waistcoat

     directing the masses, his mental instability;

     fascist-product of being dropped in his infancy,

   down on don's head a crown glowing Red

   his injured mind wishing escape from his Head


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