Thursday, December 7, 2023

Fiddling round


Could be hanging sheetrock in a cathedral 

Could by digging a french drain thru muddy stony ground 

Could be wheelbarrowing 400 pounds of razor sharp stone slabs 120 yards down the hill in jan

Could be scraping lead paint in a hazmat suit in august with wildfire smoke stealing visibility 

Could by 35 feet high on a ladder holding onto rotten soffits to paint an illusion for boss 

Could be loading dumpsters with 40 tons of concrete 

Could be hand mixing 40 bags of crete and pouring em into wrongly built forms 

Could be writing popular trinkets 

Could be more disabled 

Could be felling 100 foot tall trees alone in my woods 

Could be spreading love like organic butter 

Could be more stupid if someone'd lower the bar  

Could be tearing off a roof in the winter, living room exposed like let's make a deal 

Could be folding 40x100 foot tarps with another pair of hands or not 

Could be mowing, raking, pruning, pulling up shrubs like when I was 12 

Could be bussing tables and eating leftover lobster like when I was 15 

Could be a virgin like when I was 17 wait that's not my resume

Could be pouring beers for 3.50 plus tips like when I was 22 

Could be baking pizzas and cleaning a 600 mouth capacity theater like when I was 24 

If I had a door, shower, bed, roof, address, toilet, kitchen 


NW pdx

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