Wednesday, April 24, 2024

K street hooker (2017)


"Within low doors the boozy boors

Cat-naps take in pipe-bowl light."-----herman melville


the k street limo, there stripped to the rims

afire with treason and glorious hymns 

   sloshing with rubles, tipping in shit-coin,

   gropes the flagpole, salutes his own groin

dragging the nation behind republic balls

every sensible human recoils, appalled 

   lobbyist borscht in caviar vases

   coors lite gals to handle the cases

panty hose bandits their paws on the triggers

fraud festive faces gloat on their sniggers

   sabot their high heeled, indiscriminate ways

   hooking in cowboots, branding the strays

   demoniac bubbles arise their champagne

   gleeful that greed has an American name



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