Monday, April 10, 2023


I've lost my power she said 

Encapsulating reality 

Succinctly, in a whirl of incoherence 

Did you get my package 

Too deep to fathom with a dearth of oxygen and retinue of gaspy happy drugs 

Reaching toward Ritz ungrasped 

Or a last fling to the new people in scrubs,  

A change of scenery bleak but preferable 

Flew the cuckoo nest to perch in a vulture amusement park 

Free, too free, too powerful 

To subdue. 


 Little Boy Nazis, too powerful to imbue with other, 

Decrepit focus on infinitesimal nihilism 

A Germanic fairytale 

Susceptible to imprinting 

An easy target with a streusel tooth, there at NASA, Hanford, Alamogordo

Mom a month old as her great uncle developed the oil to crush the foe 

Into new plastic forms cosmetics, fertilizer, jet fuel,  

Too powerful and beyond control, mind diverting rationality 

Father zapped away but still there, injustice became the standard measure,  

Books and an early marriage to my father homesteading among like hippy  

The back to earth pinnacle works for awhile, as the not sees grow back spore by koch by spore.


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