Saturday, May 20, 2023



Is there anything you want, yes to see my tax returns, I'll leap out of bed call Bob Woodward out bringing in the asparagus he's part of the microchip satellites I can't talk just listen then no I told the FBI microwaves spies following the school run by terrorists that's just a front I can't breathe let's go to the beach and sit in popcorn it's here in my eye I lost it you'll be sorry that's nice you look good in blue that's our birth order from Campbell or frau whatshername with cinnamon roll perfume and mineral rights space laser genomes and truman show showers making the getaway rothschild bildenburger and rockefeller exempt it's got grapes and feta and walnuts but don't worry bankers boxes stack higher than the blender on bottom can you reach that it's the one I need by February if not mailed them paste it on the car and drive around the courthouse for noam in his beetle doing psy ops after 15 minutes flip done sample the part I don't want to recall that was his show mocking faculty the chemtrail nudes in clouds I don't need a cat in the icebox the royalties up down a thousand book bookshelf daddy no lithium blacklisted supreme court chuckle chuckle shop creepmouse filo dough a little wine gouda amadeus the movie it's Xmas all wrapped and nor coffee rings on paper dreading taxes can I see them flyswatter 

"the European head of Bilderberg, Victor Halberstadt, coming out of a pharmacy in Lisbon, clutching a packet of barrier skin cream. 

 Halberstadt didn’t just ignore a polite media approach he flat-out denied that he was Victor Halberstadt"

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