Saturday, May 27, 2023

Insolvent periphery

  There's no cry from the black eye, wrongly named in grackle  hue 

Swollen enough to bleach with clearing drops, it weeps and is tender to dab dry 

A peach dropped hard, days pass supposedly, tree overladen bends down to merge with lawn 

Cheek pit ruddy in blemish will pass as flesh wounds do


Pregnant woman rubs her belly, looking both ways to jaywalk 

5 blonde women at bus stop by library arms full 

Girl with hardhead baby gowz past, I almost dripped on you says her mom 

Mama the Russian man in track suit calls across the street  

Is there a theme 


Playing playing under the shuttered eaves on my swept few square feet at the co op 

An hour passed I make $8 

We need more street violins she says, I'll be back some other day packing in my falling apart case bungee cord  

All for naught the missed call as mel has a smoothie and old man with a bag of cans a heavy guy with a walker another grey beard with bruises dotting arm, a top gun freedom some shit by ball cap  in priority seating, a fuzzy pink hoodie w hearts it's all legit tho not too heartwarming on the periphery 


What you used to be wrinkles 

Bus through purgatory all characters exit as bus nears the river, it's city fair week 

A merry go round so close one could leap to it, younger 


Your time, my time the ferris spinning cupcakes with umbrellas it's overcast can't dial the sun on rotary landline how many tickets 

All'em and the perforations too 

Soon it's fleetweek, war fish clog the muddy promenade they want to be seen not heard the draw bridges draw 


Contusion barnacles only granular aboard the 20billion year old crock pot that science scrapes a few grams off it's full of life ingredients and water ready to crash the party as ticker tape nears insolvency that's america in the mirror 

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