Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Brake break

  The Morrison Bridge stands at attention, traffic idles in both directions. It's grey, painted steel, as is the sky, water vapor and exhaust. Slurp, coffee. The moat below slides along with sewage overflow and trees. The potholes in my neighborhood now devour semi wheels for brakefast. Tedium mounts the curb and uses the sidewalk full of rickshaws and sandwich boards. A zip line to condos is rerouted to Seattle, for scenic purposes. Dollar an hour scooters are crushed after use by he-man trucks taking the bike line for a bowling alley. Creak creak, the bridge speaks. Evil paragliders over it with an anti District Attorney banner that also glimmers with tear gas and shrapnel. It's morning for another 32 minutes. Please set the bridge down on a coaster so it doesn't leave a dent.  

Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents show


SE to SW PDX  

"In 1917 he purchased a small refining operation.  Through growth and acquisition Champlin Refining Company became what was for many years reported to be the  

largest privately-owned, 

 fully-integrated oil company 

 in the world.  

 Its operations included exploration, production, pipelines (Cimarron Pipe Line Company), bulk plants and retail service stations. 

  In 1955, after his death, the company was sold for $55 million." 

"In 1923 the first Champlin service station opened in Enid. 

  Over the years many more stations opened with 

 770 changing names 

 when sold by Union Pacific Resources in 1984." 

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