Saturday, January 20, 2024

The world is her acorn (2018)


She was due when the animals

Called her out, join us, join us

Midwives circumspect guess

All wrong, mom in labor 30 days

"Early" as I hurry back

From La honda art festival

Cuz someone spiked our driveway

Lo and behold

Good thing I got back when I did

Was it one week later?

You went into labor

Out in the woods

In our straw bale stone floored oasis 

With toddling Isis,

The malamutes and ducks

Ready for regular

Primal programing, you at 10 pm

Already dilating with an oak smiling moon

We call pasha our midwife

90 miles off in the city,

She's worried month early? No,

Wrong due date, and being sage safe wise

We abandon our plan

To birth in natural seclusion 30 minutes

To any hospital, and drive to

Portland, the birth canal wide by the hour,

Howling the landlady awake

All night, she arrived

Over the narrow pass into father hands

Same as sister Isis

While big sister surreal the midwife welcomed

With me looking on, learning

Mother exhausted, roaring in peace trials,

Loving and hating life

To say never more, once perfection

Such as mesa arrives,

A 6 pounder, like sisters, like me,

On time and squeaky fresh

Doted on by two grandparents the day you

Made the journey,

No name at first other than sweetums

Surreal had just left for Iowa,

Now 16 yards later in the inchworm stampede

Your pet squirrels

And dusty longboard, friends, pet rats, peeves,

Swimming the width

Of the Columbia at age 4

That was remarkable

Even for a ninja whose name rumi

Has compassion by the leash

As she cares and carries the family wait wait

Weight, not afraid of the crinkles

Anymore, only tepid to 

Ford the unseen road runs under life's creek

The mesa scoured stands, a castle

For her rumi to thereby survey

A lofty mind

A broad and granite base

The colors of mineral creation 

Hair thick as night ever dreams

If you want to be an astronaut, just do it

Like Hawthorne gray

At fort anomaly in 1899, trained to break

Hearts and records and fix imaginations outer orbs

Mesa rumi

Mesa rumi


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