Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Itinerary guide


A dream with dad this morning 

He didn't want me to write his obituary.

Isn't that special, I'm a good speller 

I'm a so so editor so what's the problem 

I ask myself I don't want to write  

My own birth announcement

Or my blunder itinerary,

The End. 


Looking up the unknown species 

In the bird book, the unknown tree 

Found solace  

Come rest here on my paddle

The unknown river sang 

A river has to go, it ain't pond.

Reflections over shiny fabric 

Moon light ripple 

How we go is written by how light stayed, how the brush kept it from drying, in a turpentine jar 

Thanks, tree 


The canoe upside down shed the water 

It was built to shed 

It wasn't rivet born it never saw river 

No stone tested no logjam quizzed 

The talequah trips life jacket food cooler harmonica sleeping bag  

Rivet guide would pick us up the next day canoe camping keeps it simple 

It was a different country 

River waters not cimarron slow shallow flood stretched wide 

Back in our neck of the state

In our spot, our canoe upside down

Our floatation vests inside 

Good homes for spider webs good place close to the summer dusk fly gliders 

Canoe hauled up the bank 

So a rain won't carry it away 

So we have to swamp out 

So pond don't claim it as bass habitat 


Sunday, July 28, 2024

A plethora divers

       Beware the sigh of relief eat a fly 

Ocean swells and ebbs, our craft each moment glide 

Canyons below some volcano poured 

Now squid uneyed many fist hoard 

A plethora divers but unjustly maligned 

Brochure leads one to what expectation find 

Map tattooed on mind seeking escape 

Advertised hokum o'er nature sleeps draped 

Nets pulled up, some tires and barrels empty 

Dumped before Dumpty counted the Humpty 

Out of sight out of mind problem solved 

There's just one snag deep sea miners devolved 

Dredged headlines our headlines blow 

Incumbent whistling past as graveyards grow  


SE Portland 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

La de da pan music


You fit the mood, mood sizes you up 

Self reflection can't help but notice 

Tea leaves, their curious spread 

Along walls of the paper mug 

You play music, music plays you round 

Intonation and deliverance and inflection its bread butter baked 

Over the pan music looks for an audience, 

Smile reviews are in 

A few hurry past

Pennies clog the ears or color how the mug presents the arrangement

It's not everyone's taste nor should it be 

Some no music is best 

Leave it to environment to lay out the picnic or fast away the reserves 

When I was a child yesterday 

When I was a baby when I listened to mother's heartbeat before I was born 

Tumbling in time's tummy 

You imagine being a note digested 

Melisma breathes spirit to the flute or more primal throat  

We're just humming, la de da echoes alongside the neighbors boom box 

The mood not static 

The dictionary cauldron stirs 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Figurehead loaf


I tore the crust from my pbj 

I know that's sin but it was shit bread anyways  

We need Kamala not more to chew on 

Give me raspberry jam hold the stuffing 

The same community center 

Where POTUS held court just a giant series of windows between us 

When he left in the beast convoy 

He whisked past only 20 feet away 

On his way to fundraise then jet off 

Did he notice club 205 or was he catching shuteye 

The job will run one ragged 

The same 

Community center where I got the free loaf only days ago 

It's generic wonder but add sugar tart and nuts 

The party might hold together 


To get along with to begin (2017)

 Flung in place of Big Bang born porn

our solar dilemma a comic, torn

   dialectic now swirling, giving light clean away

   winter dim trudges toward jests portrayed

in star-nests best crow pieced schlock

of zirconium and nickle cheap cosmic rock.

   tinsels of jesus on real plastic trees

   autumn beheaded an acorn's round knees

with water cold soaking, built on that spring

life leaking man dust, mechanical things 

   sucking or pushing, a baby of atoms

   grandparent aminos, pre-eloquent patterns

   pointless the wandering wane of what's dim

   to begin with to get along with to begin with to begin.






"the relative yearly motion of the Sun 

perpendicular to the horizon stops 

and reverses direction."


Xmas doodle floatie

The first last man unraveled the plan 

Char bone paddle verboten

Swimming to canaveral dodging deflated drumpf balloons 

High pitch ate all the helium 

Squeamish the ear dissected each bible 

Focus laser clovis dull in the good parts 

The end began woman rolled up the sham 

A hide 3d printed in bison 

It's sharpie gospel all arrows pointlessly unsafe 

It's not science we revere it's the russians  

Mar de bloggo it's a sewer of questions 

Man they curve like snakes above an egg 

Those dimfuck florida hieroglyphics 

Earth flat and covid square let's share a tall sip in my golf cart 

The flintstones foot pedaled $299 each shoe hyping a scratched ear  

It's rocky road to the white house but the glacier will float it 

They gloat in shredded constitutional fabrics 

Dredged from the intestines some teflon each spun new robes for the other to judge from 

It's not shaped like a boot 

It's more a sock a category 6 fills like a xmas doodle dandy cock 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Tough luck rend


'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all (trite recompense truism)


Land with a home, with water year round 

On first visit greeted by turkey abound 

We'll take it the stake an owner contract

20 percent down eight years payment 

In dry season purchased the creek ambled o'er stone

Alder ash snags provided our thrones 

Tiny fish in pools ate algae the heron ate them 

The frogs at night chorus deafening din 

Of near 80 Acres not much fence hemmed

A south facing slope our swale portend 

How thousands year trickle become full blown torrent 

In seasonal escape the waters land rend 

Along canyon basin ten acres spread level 

Pine ponderosa and oak the basalt court gavel 

Flood as per wont resolution inure

The water table thru august endure 

Deer trails of habit of numberless trod 

Fractal rock no issue to four hoofed clod 

Up to groves unmilled unburnt the oak as hearty as time 

To clasp it round join children nine 

Late spring rain ceases but springs bring life strange

Midway off the hillside above 1800 ft range 

The spring mouth green cloistered it's descent likewise fresh grasses

Near high desert past the cascades moisture passes 

All animal seek sip to skip the climb down

Creekside means predators that's nature found 

Loggers or cougar or bobcat or hawk

The food pyramid lopsided gawks 

There by the spring now meadow unveil 

An oak 400 year on it's side prevail 

Ground offer glimpses arrowhead shard 

Home once and always but luck tough hard  


Portland vis a vis 

 Swale creek, Wa 

All the same


As they spray the garden 

I smell cilantro a hundred feet away 

The coriander eats from soil unburdened by locked minerals 

The spiderweb lattice whipped up 

Seemingly mid air depends on a far off branch 

The architect in center does their rounds 

Flies in summer sunlight sprout 

The imitation rain all the same to the thirsty 


Friday, July 19, 2024

Sleeping under the stars (1988)


Alone with a pack of sad sack cats and long legged

Flying insects listening to arlo guthrie  sing about the hills of Oklahoma

As dad hurtles thru the mexican night laden with vibrantly colored

Playthings and bottles of potent vanilla extract stashed beneath

Laurels of dried peppers, he's probably on

A texas highway listening to the hum of his wheels on the asphalt

Driving slower than he’d like to the hot rocks in his brain

Grinding his backbone against the clock, trying to make

Good time. Last night I slept on the concrete slab

Under the star, listening to the wind thru the trees, huddling

Up against the black nest of darkness, counting the shooting lights 

burning thu the immense tracklessness 

Weaving webs of sparkling filaments between barn doors

Of consciousness, 2:43 in the morning and the

Neighboring roosters are in the shower zesting their crapmatted butt

Feathers listening to the local weather

In a few hours perching themselves as pinnacles in the zenithed steeples

Of honest dreamtowns, crowing at the sun as it lifts

The dew off the pine needles facing east& dad

Pulls over at  truckstop for a cup of coffee,

A splash of water for the road

Oklahoma-Kansas 1988

published, Renegade (Point Riders Press, OKC OK) Frank Parman editor

Sure dig the ride (1995)

 don't be surprised when they sew shut

yer eyes& kick you along long a sailor to die

don't dare complain as they mutate yer brain

to thinking it can't fake enuff to retain

all glory's refrain

don't go to war unless it come to You

sure sucks to get shucked in sam walton's shoes

unless yer the boss of the boss of the boss 

and can occupy loss like old dental floss

so please take me along i'd sure dig the ride

just like i did panama and erie canal

so don't compromise when they exercise

a right to detain a portion of brain

It's jest ten percent post consumer cement

surely you know we never relent so don't make

love unless it come at you

sure sucks to get plucked wearing pistorious shoes

unless you the boss of the boss of the boss 

& can delegate loss like palenque moss

so gimme a dig, i'd sure slug the ride

Just like i did the panama and erie canal 



Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Smearamid (2020)


one foot in the stave of a stove moat

searching for meaning's orphans

derelict as advertised, and full of high dollar vinegar

attracting more sugar than flies can

pass thru an oligarch's sty

splintered into bacon only francis can sell

on a seashore swilling troll snores

harpy harpooning lampooned hydrofoils

skimming over the hedge fund miasma

at once encircling

and at once disappearing into reverse smoke

tossing unmeant utopias

atop the smearamid  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Klieg light threnody (2017)

 An instrument balm, her voice aphrodisiac

booming emphatic enough to cardiac

   arrest any sheriff, or bailiff of cupid

   tasked to swoon swains;  stupid's

mead-merry eyes, drinking all wenches,

in bleary bleak praise, half-glued to benches

   teetering toward such sultry-smooth bait

   odysseus and frank sinatra can relate---

---mermaid her siren thigh shimmering tone

---oceans of strange fiends atonal, bone

   reaped of sheepskin the razor reefs claimed

   the toll song extracting, not first explained

Bombing a silent salient hero

searing ear pleasant (math with all zeros 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Stay green

 "some envy caught remains to stay

the crimson leaves

To stay

Stare decisis 

They never stay but linger longer 

Leaf leaves tree grieves 

What can you do 

But pine?