Sunday, July 21, 2024

To get along with to begin (2017)

 Flung in place of Big Bang born porn

our solar dilemma a comic, torn

   dialectic now swirling, giving light clean away

   winter dim trudges toward jests portrayed

in star-nests best crow pieced schlock

of zirconium and nickle cheap cosmic rock.

   tinsels of jesus on real plastic trees

   autumn beheaded an acorn's round knees

with water cold soaking, built on that spring

life leaking man dust, mechanical things 

   sucking or pushing, a baby of atoms

   grandparent aminos, pre-eloquent patterns

   pointless the wandering wane of what's dim

   to begin with to get along with to begin with to begin.






"the relative yearly motion of the Sun 

perpendicular to the horizon stops 

and reverses direction."

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