Thursday, August 29, 2024

Not nice, not unaware, not concerned

 Bark bark bark 

Don't worry he's nice 

No the kids on the teeter totter are nice 

The dog is aggressive and off leash 

Stare at your cell phone while nice dog isn't nice 

Just watched another dog shit 

While the owner sits at a picnic table 

Staring at his gadget, empty beer can on ground 

I walk over and find the shit

I'll take care of it says loser owner 

He leaves the park and the shit

I photo it for posterity 

The entitled walks his trio of porches

One actually runs amok all about 

I know him their routine 

He throws the fetch ball in my direction so the lab goes running past

It's a leash only park city employee 

It's part and parcel of bad ownership 

All three instances in less than an hour 

It's typical for today and for tomorrow 

Humans don't have a hope 

By the sunday fuck consideration of what a peaceful day should be 

Frisbees stuck in real trees


I enjoy watching kids at the park 

The challenging teeter totter so fearsome to the tiny 

The swings both bucket safe and regular needs oiling 

The jack and the beanstalk slide hot enuff to fry an egg on 

The merry go nausea overly spun 

The soccer kid practices with dad 

He runs after the ball sails  hundred feet past goal 

He makes several it doesn't matter 

It counts, to him 

Higher higher the underdogs count on the swing

Faster faster the dizzy go round 

Higher higher the world below off the slide

Bark chips are the backup 

These days parents gadget stare mesmerized by special deals 

Not that special shipped to ones address 

Take it for granted at your peril 

Frisbees stuck in real trees 

Some day tall tales

It took a drone four seconds to pull it out goes the speech implant 

Rainbow crow (2018)

 classical music and crows eating chips

is how good sunday pads our hips,

   geraniums fatten by sunlight of window

   crossword-puzzle clouds our dreams know

alone with a view of millions the same

together in solitude's communal blame,

   sonata fondue, or more NFL

   go to the mall, go confess blab all hell

pecking the crumbs, crow's rainbow attends

down below, stark street rain washed, mends   

   off the leash children throw rocks at stars

   on the clock servants wind-up czars

   the nap and siesta eloped in the beak

   over the valley, a color in arc's peak


Hoity toity screenpass

 Rich people all look that same 

Poor folk all smell the same 

New tattoo all stand out 

Golf shorts bike tights wifebeater same 

Antiperspirant smoke the same 

Cover up air with formaldehyde game 

Sheetrock formaldehyde lays out same 

Same china playtime tea party grime 

Middle class most the same that's where poor aspire 

Dressed down hoity-toity at 30 done retired 

Only wear my diamond out on town 

Wouldn't want barista to decaf my brown 

Roundup lawn let's conform

Kill off dandelion it's same norm 

The dog walks you you'd rather watch the gadget 

Big screen small screen screen pass the same 

Money see money do 

Catch a tiger by the dough 

If it transfers I'm first to know 

What new brings to same  

Same zoo same bars which side are we fronting 

Away time hop baby bunting 

A mocking bird rhyme the same as a macaw draw 

Call it even tom brokaw  

SE Portland 

Numb era (udonwannago there) 2017


numb era

slum sharer


numero Uno, not romeo, Romero

numb error

numb era

numero nuremberg, not hitler but trump

numb terror

numb terra

numero quatro, not kkk just kissinger

numb era

numb era

all the math is in error

numb era numb era

You donwannagothere 


Wake the day is young

 Of course wild blackberries tempt 

Scorching stones the thorn branches underfoot 

The reach to discover clumps 

Across the patriotic river a huge flag

And rock n roll and ten dollar beers 

I'm fine with beggar geese and sorting pebbles for shot 

I can't rotisserie my gringo corpse proper glad I bought aerosol spray 

Berries gonna see 100 today 

People are nice and distant

Not a cloud in sky a giant driftwood rolls 

Tossed by jetboats wake the day is young 


Blues Festival 


Revellie screw


Kick a pinecone along

Bird talk and squirrel gathering rumination brighten morning 

The new pattern brings coffee

The night before 

So that body while sore from carving bones into ground to rest 

Has something to look forward to

No sugar cube 

No danish await

At least the pinecone don't hesitate

It shouldn't always take an aspirin 

To stir things settled 

But vertebrae settle as do bones in the mire 

Shake the bottle rejuvenation 

Good as new unassembled furniture 

Just gotta find that runaway screw 


SE Portland 

Starry eyed (1991)

                                starry eyed

mimosa, obscure reference flower,

fresh sea of air near trippers dissipated

gassed at berkley, felt straddled by world architecture,

could dream past el trio destructo-harmonico,

patch phases, perch watermazes, spin putrid gazes,

disavow light howls, hold the wrists of deaf parakeets.

                                  one day the chalk screeches Odysseus.

benign the fate of dim illuminati

better eschew pasta the melting plate

fork the plumcloud, spaz a pagan strum, know

your sister was bent on a sound

straight hammering kansas, drape paper on intent,

chase ponds if ducks seem float bemused

                               sport be numb, a craze planting a trace

 what once was carved-n-chaste

curled into stuffs oxidized from pride

we hack people circuits, an ax to the thorax of hypocrisy

blown purple hearts foretell a future

spent sans dough----------teeth rot the rent, not

to understand but to delight

                                             the Eye soars

post aprophidisiac under good water tuned to match

artemis or diana or a mimosa if it had entrails,

not dental floss for neanderthals

with fennel seed flavored gum on the boots,

infidel waits to shine the burned sidewalk shoe

in a trance uttered to a flag

in classroom's morningchild miracle genius

i swore allegiance mine sweet land

of poverty poetry rhyme,

meme most of my mesa


     1991 San Fran, CA 

Once rites blot tossed (2017)

 the sisters-bloody took the stallion's pride to toss it midst

a grove if not hang it o'er sap hot doors

were smell not a factor in decent dancehalla root riven

cobblestone floor hauled bluestones great grandmother

was born on bloody proud to have no thing but milk

and honey from breasts dis tipped in wisdom

woven or undone as trails take off tails or make ails

all one fallow knows feeling woe woden the bloody sisters

his daughters mocking the flower of flocks great rising

he cast  where deserves rest in bogs to feed dull snails

keepers of doors only bloody eyed minds born of know

and hung about the skeletal tree just strings

wind pulled or drew tomorrow with

in vicious tender dances fire shown to sif her sisters

eyes shared nine tree times seeds under that many stars

explaining cracks sound antler bone 

illustrations running fish to inlets 

cherub harvested in their bloody rank loincloths 

of wolve furs earned entrail-fast buttoned in gold

from asteroid gifts of thor sif fashioned them threadlike

to amend man a carnival rent in lights bedroom softened

under sheets bird patterned sweet with

a tree root bloomed bee sallied busy the loom

ocean working wodan dockside tallies in cuts on oak

masts with an oar hard as night lost

in the veins of the flower in ice 

the snow of once  




there is a water that flows down from poetry 

to cleanse the world of profit by grace demure

at last, its whole stock spent, its virtue gone.

dark with pollution not its own, it speeds

back to the aquifer of all purities;

freshly bathed, earthward it sweeps again,

trailing a robe clear and clean.

this water is the sap of the cedar

which ever sheds, until itself is beggared,

nature's balm on the sorry soul; and then returns

to nature who made the purest light of children .

67% rumi 

33% forest

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Steps back sludge (1994)


styrofoam still the style
for kona organic brews sitting well
in tourist kidneys whose wallets

one harvests to convert
credit's waterfront condos
overlooking petroleum fields

ripening to mature
as chloroflurocarbon molecules
bespeckling the espresso steam

hypocritical digressions are diesel
powered zits
parked atop oldgrowth stands of integrity

dirty from legislation,
waiting to catch up with evolution
whose steps

back into the swamp
sludge the future 

oahu, 1994

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Shush kabob

The old white men came prepared, 

Their meat smoke left wife at home

Maybe widowers, maybe a bowling circle sick of hotdogs 

The muslim moms push their kids on the swing set 

The lone guy who does stretches barechested across the field again exerts his skinny flex

I'm no judge I ate salsa I made earlier 

And blueberries, the round islander kids play soccer 

My radio on classical my mind on my family not here, mom dead 

Girls growing older than their mom when she had them 

The flower woman came out to water as I played violin 

It's our chance to visit, most days she moves around her florist station 

I catch glimpses here outside her stores window 

I'm the meat, I'm the fly on flesh getting a lick, i'm the ribs of the joke, i'm the shush kabob making noise with a coffee can just in case 

The pit bull off leash jingles it's kong collar as their beard dude promenade 

I don't see nothing ain't worried or hungry summer flaunts