Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Malarkey kazoo

 Some will abide anything history can crayon on a toilet paper roll as poetry. 

It's not equating, as President says, dusting off his wag finger. 

Malarkey kazoo, and I usually really like kazoo.

If you're the arbiter of taste, I'm the unstoppable tongue meeting the inedible truth. 

Wagging finger makes the nails longer 

BTW don't wear it out 


My box of dusty folios on my Corvette, 

I just forgot to send them to archive 

At graceland. His boxes, in his bedroom 

Just memorabilia to sell, pay down the dingdong debt.  

33 thousand mutilated corpses of children and women 

Does no one say collateral damage anymore? Everyone misses a target or two in the dust of war.  

Towing yachts away yesterday,

Building breadless docks tomorrow.

That's equitable.   

I know the difference so why doesn't the rest of catholic america 

An arrest warrant these days doesn't limit vacation plans

Our bibi bib overunneth with overfeeding clustermush 

It makes wall street strong in the face of formula shortages

Milk the outrage overflowing

seven day war silliness,  



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