Monday, May 6, 2024

Mull it over (2017)


let me mull, mull, mull it over, under the table

spend the daze, daze, dazed on fables,

give him rope, rope, rope made of sable,

cheer bad tweets, tweets,  tweets smelling of stables

ride 'em slow, slow, slow as a bullfrog

tie him right, tight, righty snuggems as a dull hog,

fat him fine,  fine,  fine with salty time

pepper his sass, sass, sass with more mulling wine

go poke, poke, poke it spinal, check trichinosis;

see the k, g, b------that's GOP's hostess;

feed it back, back, back in their dacha mimosas:

while we mull, mull, mull it round on wanted postas;

     let don steep, steep, steep  simmering hell

     let 'em rot, rot, rot in warranted cells.


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