Friday, June 28, 2024

Still life with hare

 A bunny in the cemetery

From my hammock espy

Near night dusk 

The lawn mowed now dries 

The criminal houseless

Still ruckus their parade 

The corner store intersection

A maze from above gazed 

No cop no wolf 

The raptor asleep

The hare and the shelter 

The summer air keep 


SE Gaza

Auspicious Eternal Dung for the Masses

you wave in the wind 

Giant metal shark 

Your teeth never fall raining on passerby 

Two hundred thousand laborers spent all their tiny lives 

Dragging a sandwich up the crane 

The fingers fell but were replaced 

Earthquake gave up 

Tsunami sleeps in your majestic toilet 

Your spine of finance is eternal 

It plunges thru the soul of earth 

It's golden girders all male

And as infallible as your proboscis in winter 

I quiver at the glory far away 

I skyscraper built to withstand revolution 

Made to sing past oceans ultimate slosh off glacier and icy continent 

The turbo charged jet thrusters

Under your bayonet lobby 

Will flung you past the dead universe 

When money devours man 

You have the best view 

You have the best martini 

You have internet brain and sexy windows 

This new song take it third lunch with uncle Mao 

Go big and hire Justin Bieber to clean the gutters 

O skyscraper telescope find me in your eyeball forever milking the USA 


For Chinese Repression 

In Hong Kong 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Inundated (2023)

I curl up with my back to the wind sawing through the redwood tree 

A boiling kettle of branches above 

Not a twig drops 

Gusts crescendo and murmur and ruffle the fabric i cocoon under l

It's paltry and cold 

My tent stake bends as I make a wee roof 

The earth packed by a thousand nights tossing my sack of bones down the time slide 

Some more dry than others 

None so dry as my mother 

In a closet box,



The store's closed for good, that's bad for music

Unless one likes sad music 

At least the bums don't leave their Lexus in the truck zone just to fetch dry cleaning 

Across the street 

I had to chalk No Fires by the former entrance

As some are crazy enough to burn trash for a couple minutes of heat 

The awning says Community Owned but the bank is in Wyoming 

It looks inundated with poverty all butcher papered up,

A real cutlet. 

A simple gift, tax deductible, and bento man is the last guy standing, but most people throw out the rice 

And besides 

Who needs silverware to eat and drive 

And stick it to the stick. 


The cook is sick

He was hale last night, chipper fist bumping the whole band 

Will be there 

He plays stand up 

Bass when he's not sick enough 24 hours later to cancel appearances 

 So here's a guy on acoustic songwriter and a cello from utopia, beatific 

She's covering in every way as they foot in mouth their non event for number 248 per year 

It's refreshing as tap water in contacts 

Let me tell you about yahacts last month, the best cheese steak in lower mintagilla 

Don't sic your hobo fan on us 

It's regular refreshments that background stop the ballpark 

Never heard of you 

There's your two big fans to dish out some shots at finale it's rubby elbow crimes  

I'm not watching overtly your cello diva at all 

I'm inundated by the mundaccious amateurism calling in well. 


Over our head, don't quit 

Breeding. Don't douse supplication by the fryer. We're layers in warm straw. 

The rent rises, inundating the newly burntbeak crew. Leaf feathers alone, they're company. 

Cage free gonna be, we'll see. 


Brown shirt staff sargent 

With his ranger rick get-up is barking some demand for me to risenshine from my weather buttress 

Here at picnic in the park 

I emerge, forgoing my combat boots, standing in my socks 

To hear i'm illegal and could be arrested at which audibly snort, been here three years 

Not here he says 

Yes, exactly here he waddles back to his city truck i'll be back after brunch and betting online against hometeam 

Then off to busk this temperate morning, the melvin gargoyle ambles away pushing his life basket, dispirited from last he said I'm lucky he don't got a bat 

I play an hour, one ten, and toss a pile of tin cans over the fence, spilling kidney beans from half finished meals that had been opened with haste and few moment edges 

Another hold the piss bus ride toward the east over the volcano all dead and fertile, notably peaceful with carlack 

I do my swimming in a rainbow suit as the hot tub brims with retirees and a retarded man of color, my mix  

He doesn't want to leave as his guardian calls time to go 

His eyes mesmerized making waves in jetting fizz, a magician transforming with perma smile beyond us 

He's inundated and center of attention, will he leave? Will patience grow more calm under the variable ennui 

I swim a quarter mile, half mile, time laps away who cares, dry off and go pump some blocks of dumbbell 

As cellphone drool surrounds the absurd muscle museum full of taxidermy 

And exiting, there's the troll, skin like a dog treat from a value pack sized roadkill 

Slinking past toward the natatorium with eyes in the back of her knees, trudge trudge 

It's quite the flow today, watching reality melt down history into a teeming sewer, up to my muskrat brow 

So I inquire squire lee about is We research regarding mom's non estate being subsumed by texas incorporated 

I scribe my hardshit waiver sic like melting butter on parking lot inferno, grittyesque with facts and antimath economics 

Done, not done. Inundated. 

Happy birthday, pops, sell the union and wallpaper the flood stamps, it's life on the river and windy by trial in the wrecked casino barge, high tide catfish that's on my menu of fascination  


All fed up, cuz the pizza from the bench by the theater didn't sell 

The movie been seen before it premiered 

Pepperoni dejavoo pickemoff 

Thick foil triangles inundated so that multiple wraps can't smelter the bounty 

Out peeks red sauce, but over sparingly to my tastes 

Dough still crusty or vice versa 

It'll dry let me get a handful of tissue, that's sad 

Don't call it a rerun, fantastic planet from 1956 

That groundbreakingly just ten years after WW 2 whisks us away

Let me just tuck away for a rainy day some these still soft restaurant edibles, the barber watches trimming his last cowboy today 

He could turn down those heat lamps, jesus it's brite 

Specially when we exit the odditorium where they sell cups of grog for a nickel, and the nickels are silver screen, and everyone's handsome or about to monologue 

Don't barf mr. hand-me-down 

Grocery titan, you can remodel, and tear down the melvin statue, and make Howard again 

Just chisel away.  


Sump pump at the community center parking lot, 

It's a new crew hosing today 

Lake graham cracker crumb from the toddler squads for it all inundated in the grate 

Cars blast it six feet out with enough gained speed, the cherry blossom precinct unperturbed by motor boats in the crosswalk and pylons around the waterfowl mannequins wrapped in terrycloth 

They're busy ordering order 

Filling up fuel catchers 

Butcher papering window bricks more secure 

I say get an auger size of  Detroit and sell it and don't stop 

Evict that bad water before it gets into the gas tank with the snorkel and hydroponic hypnosis, that's some lax oversight to build a drain that collects and pools yesterday 

Wouldn't you say, mom? 

Wouldn't harriet tubman breath easier not needing stilts to get to class? 

Deferred maintenance has a waiting list around the block, I've been looking forward to it all day, a little time for me 

So tiny time, so clogging it's dander and sediments, mostly human skin they say, and dog stuff. 

Lake go-away slough , back to the drawing board, better engineering for a drier parking lot, and learn how to use tape correctly on all four corners, schmucks, it's folding like my potbelly running toward gym. 

This is tantamount to inundation, the brimming excess, and repudiation of plumbing. 


"One lovely and useful proverb is “still waters run deep,” which, translated, means  

quiet people are often more brilliant, clever or complex than they may appear.  

This proverb compares aspects of the human character to hydro- dynamics" 

"Of Latin origin, but possibly popularized by William Shakespeare, c. 1590, in "Henry VI," part 2, act 3, scene 1: 

 Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep; And in his simple show he harbours treason."  


Residual snowflake, flurry of one, solitary yet wed in dance 

Over pavement carless, care dictating each to their own views from windows, 

I gambled again last night 

Got drunk in deaths clime incubator, after selling my fishman preamp I drank my treble away, boomerang 

Three pints of mountain at the park, along with elderberry flavored river, courting nightshade rowed to a rowdy stir the blood 

Pool game with paul haul, a sonabitch made me beat him and shed my layers until it was tank top guns 

Him hating his dad, 70

Poisoned but wanting the be put in his place, sassy kid 

His girlfriend hanging back, fine by me, she chides me about my daughters, she's one too 

Wants to give a healing hug no problem, drinking cheapo lite, light food high 

The chatter of a party in a long last supper table and two dozen empties get me the bird, and out the door 

I'm stumbling, falling 

My bike soften the blow, rise and hike, never got my layers reinstalled 

"Winter pries it's fingers" in my hammered heart, my pea coat saves me, I awaken to the third ranger in as many sways 

Polite on script, older than the usual clocks sent to recite and point hands at dials 

I'm warm in 20 degree bag, look out at snow ice lawns and tree bit mulch that has been Cuisinart by chef wind 

I toss my foam in the fancy litter jail, after closing off the hefty so dog shit don't besmirch later use 

Cuz who knows, other than the queen oracle, the chain off it's sprocket so I walk to shell

-Ter, counter

-ter, store 

-age, patterns upon patterns paint the road there 

Too beautiful no hangover or frost bite, temperature dropping at 9 am 

Keeping it simple, retired, slow and in contrast.  


 Between ice and hand warmers in the pocket, my speck not ascendant 

Transitory yet barnacled by fellow human clods 

Uneager for dissolution from inundation, hot cocoa mix that don't swizzle, paddle as we do with a splinter 

Pulled from the cross, red 

The gamut of exhaustion bottled, to steep in indoors 

I heard nobody pray 

I heard sharp howls of pain from one guy, squabbles and cussing, accusations, friendly banter, kind gams at sea, the chance meetings that disaster harbors 

Dogs living with cats, society's outcasts glazed sleep, shuffling feet in outdoor clothes, the crinkle of water bottles, forgiving bumps and boundaries, to survive 

Unheeded calls for help, forsaken by pecking order bureaucracy 

Legless men with smiles 

Filling our arms with tents, tarps, instant oatmeal, and brief acceptance 

At the base of Mt. Tabor 

I better look that up again in my atheist catalogue 

Now that i'm on my side 

Cheek to the snow and the other inundated with keys and coins unspent 


"Just as Elijah and Moses begin to depart from the scene, 

 Peter begins to ask Jesus if the disciples should make three tents for him and the two prophets.  

This has been interpreted as Peter's attempt to keep the prophets there longer. 

 But before Peter can finish, a bright cloud appears, and a voice from the cloud states: 

 "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him" (Mark 9:7).  

The disciples then fall to the ground in fear, but Jesus approaches and touches them, telling them not to be afraid. 

 When the disciples look up, they no longer see Elijah or Moses.

When Jesus and the three apostles are walking down the mountain,  one guy gives him shreds of shelter wool to wrap his feet from the ice: traction.

Jesus tells them to not tell anyone  that the supervisor knows that fentanyl was incense in the shit room.

"the things they had seen"  

until the "Son of Merde" has risen from the dead." 


Refuge in a steel box spared me from obliteration,  shhhh wind now a whipsaw velocity that decapitated the picnic manger on Tabor where the pilgrims wear shorts in the snow 

Wind sharpened to molecular carbide on Crown Point 

Wind pushed the balsa fronds of fir out of the tundra without spite other than the smite of man and his sheetrock lairs 

Following channels of cement like a pinball game, no hindrance other than balconies for viewing past the megaTV 

Rootballs of trunk lollipops, for to rest parallel invites nature a new lease 

This is the only law 

Decay, and sublimation to moss, thrush, worm, and badger  

Out of storage, the leftovers feed mouths ravenous, molting, hurry in study too occupied to hunt cook and tablecloth, too inundated with progress for the sake of shaping a menu 

To serve satin sickness 

Go climb a fallen giant and find the nests before they are sold below in thrift stores 

Go log a look 

Witness the inundation of earth fighting back, reflexive, her kneecap jerk as automatic as a catapult from the rubber mallet of Dr. man 

Freezing rain slows the dinosaur glop in our engines, we feast on Old Food from the unpowered fridge, reaching by candlelight and memory of what was deposited last Odin's day

Last Mars day, last Freya's day 

Daresay Thorsday 

There is no bearing on the compass to guide a lost bloated contagion of capitalism 

The wax expends into bee sweat as fire reaps wick 

Glaciers peninsula our shallow tastes down to bedrock 

Where pilings hold not for long, and launch platforms commiserate escape from our inundation with self destruction, in Latin fairy tales with plastic slabs of lamb, sung with tinsel jingles 

Hide behind the sequoia, it melts too under a hiccup from the Gorge 

Wy'east and Pashto take it in stride, magma boiling in their cauldrons kept at bay under a loose sternwheeler that glides upstream to memaloose 

It's talk, that's All 

The wind inundated with power poles and copper lassoes and sturgeon magnets in a maelstrom symphony crescendo 

It's sex with beyond death on a tee shirt and sponsor, that tale of cerebus Grendel

It's a high point in sea level mentality, that folded ship made of diplomas 

A helado dripping down the fist running from the bull 

We run and the caterpillar gazas us in holy pauper view 

Sic pay per view, that's how clever drips congregate  

If there's any radiating glory, it's Hanford and folly 

It's Martin Luther Kaepernick doing knee bends to cheerleaders of every flavor 

Sacrilegious sanctimony and silly potion pedigrees 

Frost heaves the homeless to safety, from tailback, from rear guard, from tackle 

That's religion. 






Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Remembering summers on swale creek



Swale Creek Klickitat County Washington . Years of poems written there haven't been copied or published online. Typewriter printed, laptop printed , arranged by year, yes. 

   Summertime slime. There were some deep pools where the slime didn't grow. 4-5 feet deep, shady and cool. We had a giant butterfly floatie one summer. It was heaven on earth. 


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

False deductions abound

 A thing or condition is provided for 

To improve or conversely alter its state 

 say a superfund site  that can't grow tomatoes but is great for condos

A field is tilled to enable plants to provide food 

An insect pollinates for desired effect but also to feed 

The beaver has a goal and lifestyle 

That's easy deduction and observation true or not

 A thing is neglected to likewise improve or alter it's condition 

That's the no effort zen mode

Scrutinize The tough love of a marine father 

The crow kicked from the nest 

The kitten made fend for itself 

Thick skin and a resume in the arts of survival 

The bonsai pruned by wind and shear 

Over much study can lead to a sloth of the body

It needs cartwheels rolling in grass down hills it needs scaped knees and a throat sore from screaming 

Or singing or not sore 

From elixir or from breath in frost air 

The beaver choose the tree to fell 

Somehow it determines the lodge construction 

And which terrain to flood 

Years of watching them may offer clues and research or may end up in arguments with others pushing their contrary thoughts 

If we aren't positioned to thrive

From birth, from childhood, perhaps it isn't so bad 

If we're accustomed to second helpings 

Invest in a belt factory and trouser alteration store 

Didn't you get enough 

Parent so as to go without the eternity of life after pre school 

Didn't sitter give you the breast formula and teach how to catch an eye 

I use geometry ever moment

My algebra is a c cup half empty

My basic math stands up in the checkout line at the used auto dealership 

Humans daily stare at others staring at the reflections of flint and evolving pointed projectiles 

Every thesis has an antithesis and the new normal is smoke signals or no natural gas stoves 

We didn't know crawling leads to standing leads to walking leads to running leads to spaceships infesting the cosmos with videos of dog tricks and how to make other people like you while hating or adoring oneself 


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Pardon us (2014)


pardon my mr president

pardon my friends

pardon yer enemies

pardon us, sir

pardon the thugs

pardon the poopheads and  bootlickers

pardon the ceos and the crack whackers

pardon us sir mister bigshot warchief

pardon the religions in their hoily boodle battles

pardon drones pre-preemptive emptying,

pardon our french ticklers from witchita

pardon your bloody rose garden, space of aids, & waiting lines for prostheses

        at the ungoverned VA museum of unforgivable torsos

pardon notions of blemishes vanquished

pardon justices unimpeachable in their salient crimes

pardon the unmansionables in tent cities, car camps, under bridges, in peesmell doorways

pardon the poor if they don't pardon us

when we are part and parcel of policy

&waved wands, signed edicts, and loaves of bread all compete for a clean slate,

pardon the anger

hard (on itself

Friday, June 14, 2024

Forsooth, the narwhale (2017)


poetry forsooth floats human harbor's better

   climes, amid dank dredging's sea-baptized

detritus, whittled perspective wood -shredders,

   saw quohog & seasoned salts, capsized;

poetry forsooth fleets flounder schools sleeker,

   able to jet unjittered---- thru coral razors

in sentence bubbles ......evasion's art meeker

   as bait glows or feigns, hiding small lasers;

poetry forsooth claws nebulae from the net

   allowing humans to catch what gods only get

rare trappings of mind, as prescient yet

   drapes flesh over horizon, a personal pet;

   poetry forsooth clams all Thing all so deep,

   butter bay washings, my chowder of sleep.


mt tabor Oregon

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Stay in bed the day reflects


Repository posits story 

Play things outgrown 

Melancholy totems witness 


She brought me thanksgiving food 

As I stayed at the cheap motel 

Cheap being $80 night 

Comfort gravy mattress hot bath 

I hugged her all the way back to her ride there some friends car 

Years and years I never saw my kids 

On any holiday, not on their birthdays 

As bones features grew and hair changed by dye or piercings their face 

To fit in whatever clique

At least it ain't vagabond

Material needs they got task jobs for 

Dog walking burger floor cleaning 

Showing up on time 

Photos and artwork give thanks 

Years years eternal showcase family harmony 

Not the warmest word repository

For heart bedding pillow magic lazy giggles 

Boxes sort out the crayons unused 

We didn't use crayons much 

Our avante garde creation kitchen lab 

School sent a few home with glued together construction hearts 

Fond found findings america

Who knew the starving pilgrims needed new socks and tofurky 

The tables turned upset 

Put out to pasture piece by piece the old rocker warps  

The pie sweetens pumpkin never apple 

The crust could be flakier but not today 

It's almost juneteenth solstice 

Baby ain't a baby unless they say so 

I'm fine with leftovers

Best service since they made toast for mom and me and brought it up our long wooden stairs so proud 

One kid opening the door

The other balancing the delivery tray 

Toast crumbs dabbed up with the fingertip from the saucer 

Until every morsel consumes 

The chemtrail its cliche disperse 

Crow bitch over blackberry tentacles

Hurries the piss as discreet as allowed

School rainbow almost-summer gear on the grounds 

I pick up the smallest trash 

Torn corners from opened junk food granola juice bags 

It fades plastic joining plastic

Poem a dog shit repository finding home 

The aerosol into treeline projects

By contrast beautiful my crayon succinct 


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bull nose cat

 grant and i work the pond in the canoe,

fishing for catfish and bass,

mom sunbathes on a blanket on the shore,

the back of the mazda open with her picnic ready,

once she grades twenty more bluebooks,

once we land the big fish or need root beer,

hope it isn't braunschweiger sandwiches

maybe it is peanut butter pickle relish mayo and lettuce

her perfect bread makes up for middle,

we hike the woods and look for morels or feathers,

jump the soggy trail patches, climb sandstone,

pull the tube socks up and get thru brambles,

bull nose catfish not much there

toss them on the bank says gordon and marty

but i can't. 



Friday, June 7, 2024

Son of Dean son of Dean son of Freeman


He was young by some standards , 

33 and his wife 23, she sedated for birth, his whiskey at home 7 miles away 

But the stonewall tavern and art department office just a mile from hospital 

I don't know what he did how he spent that day prior, how he paced 

Or did sketches or whether he spoke to his sister betty her 3 boys all out of diapers mostly

I'll maybe never know 

I have some few photos of soon after my birth, stories from her perspective 

His take on it who knows 

His father Dean visited our home 

Drove from Austin

I guess by himself 1967 my mom's mom was there too, those photos are among my favorites  

Dorothy and Dean Senior 

Holding baby me, Dean born in 1884

My ancient grandfather from apache land 

My grandma Champlin from Enid 

Niece to Oil but down to earth smarts 

Tiny me 

Burned arm from grabbing mom's coffee 

I sported that scar my right arm past fifth grade until hair came in.  

Good sport

I know dad was proud 

He was always proud of me 

Other than puking in front of Dorothy when I came home drunk 

1984, they made me quit my busboy job 

I worked at IGA grocery bagging food 

I could easily borrow cases of beer 

It wasn't such a radical departure 

from 2 years at the steak house 

Dad was always proud of me best tennis player my age, good grades, girlfriends lots of friends, friendly to his friends. A good reflection on his fathering and genes and name. 

What did he do awaiting my birth 

If he's not busy these days 

I should go ask. 


What was Dean Sr. doing Pomona California in 1934 while dad was born 

He was 50 I used to think that was ancient 

For becoming a father I suppose 

Pacing, coming up with a name 

For his son 

He'd been married before but dean was deans last son  

Black coffee he didn't smoke 

Hydrologist knew water 

It breaks then she takes off her apron 

They drive to the hospital 

Take a nap around Time magazine 

More  Life magazine coffee 1934 


What was Freeman doing in Kingston New Mexico when he was born 

Hiding under the house 

As Apache raided town 

The first white child born in the mining town 

1882 there was no hospital 

There wasn't much house 

Houses if not that day 

We're burnt in months to come  

Gotta wind grandfather clock

Still miners came, mark twain came, ed doheny was dirt poor there, jesse james

Grandpa Dean was born under siege 

If not the very moment

In his first weeks of birth they did hide 

As the owners came thru said who the hell are you in our woods by our creek on our mountain  

Try a sedative for that 

His infant cries of birth must have echoes for miles welcoming apache that hunted there for centuries, centuries, centuries, and centuries 

It's not silver lining or embellished 

Centuries of primal existence 

No epidural is gonna work 

Pain accompanies life, birth springs and carries pain  and placer gold


Freeman was born too 1832 

Conesville New York

That guy York wasn't there to help much, across the pond dead 

His daddy's daddy's daddy dad took it from the dutch who took it from mohawk who took it from nature and were birthed by nature  

Past is prologue 

Throw another stump on the fire 

I'm going to check on how the spaceship core is doing  

The fremen gather the water

The oligarchs are raiding the nursery again for eggs, go hide 

It's Time she says 

            It sounds familiar 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Follow soot


That zeppelin guy lugging around 

The branches on his sepia back, that's death. Fuel dies and coals wane 

It's still a top seller 

Kindling wood, beach party isn't the same without a trojan hero on a pyre 

I cremated my ginormous dog Klondike (after he died) 

A malamute over 150 pounds 

I owned half of 80 acres in unimpeachable wooded country 

I built the pyre correctly, it blazed for hours and I fed it to accomplish my task 

That zeppelin guy, it would have taken ten or twenty such loads 

I used not just twigs branches but oak heartwood  split fir, alder, ash 

There's more Klondike left on the swale Creek shore than home that our forbearers built 

Earned materials from working on the Alaska pipeline 

Destined to demolition in spite 

Of spite and city ignorance. 

Life is a hobby some ignite to warm their flickering soul, 

Only years later know the value 

Of children raised, fed, gardens nourished with soot. 


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pig Spanish

 Sessanta siete ahora ma non ancora 

Que es yet questo es me problema 

Tiene tiempo e no denaro 

Non e mucho 

Yo guapo ma vecchio e poverino 

Habla como un touristo gringo con Fuego en la Boca 

Esto Stupido a comprehende 

Yo dimenticare Todo importante 

Un avocado sans agua sul hades 

Esta muy gringo me oresidente es basura in merde zapatos 

E oantalones hecho a la Nina's tres annos 

Sperante Nuevo parole ovos 

Plata e morado Spero che Italiano comida e comer en San Cristobal 

Suenos e Morto en El treno 

Conosco un Oklahoma hombre 

Cantare con un arbol e mariposa 

El Camino para Stupido es en el banyo 

Con Neruda e un caballo en la Luna  


You'd fail roses are red violence is blue 

You'd send valentines to amazon collect

You'd forget where you were born 

Some don't know violets is pink 

And delivered by ambivalence 

To every wrong armpit address 

You wouldn't know a clown suit if it was whipped cream pie 

You'd dance on a grave for knee pain 

The smaller the bone fragments the crunchier the limo tour 

You wouldn't know effort

If it whistled in the pines pining 

You wouldn't have ever been born other than fate and plans and dreams 


June 4th Tiananmen

"The Tiananmen Square protests, known in China as the June Fourth Incident" 


That's what I thought 



"Police on Monday took away Sanmu Chen on a street in Causeway Bay, a busy Hong Kong shopping district, close to a park that for decades hosted an annual vigil to mourn the victims of the 1989 crackdown. 

 Before officers approached Chen, he mimed the action of drinking in front of a police van.  

He also appeared to be drawing or writing something in the air."  

On the same day last year, Chen was also detained by police around the same area after chanting  

“Hong Kongers, do not be afraid.  

Don’t forget tomorrow is June 4.”  

For decades, the vigil in Hong Kong’s Victoria Park 

 used to draw thousands of people each June 4 to remember the crackdown, 

 during which government troops opened fire  

on student-led pro-democracy protesters, 

 resulting in hundreds,  

if not thousands, 


"But the vigil has vanished under the censorship Oligarchs nourish.  

Google ain't a friend unless you coddle Authoritarian Rule and allow their spies into America, both in technology, and espionage in personal harassment, renditions, killings of anyone opposing a world order of totalitarianism. 

Private police stations run by Chinese in America is documented.  

Of course, we allow Turkey, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia the same sadist dachas to torture or entertain, protected from US law. "

"NEW YORK (AP) — Two men were arrested Monday on charges that they helped establish a secret police station in New York City on behalf of the Chinese government, 

 and about three dozen officers with China's national police force were charged with using social media to harass dissidents inside the United States, ...Apr 17, 2023"


"name and shame parties" 


Pop the Cork 

Other Spy


Fuck "other." 



How we relate


I play fiddle, mere feet away flowers

She arranges largely looking away 

 I steal a glance as they say 

Our reflection gathers as one portrayed 

 I should not let on  our eyes sometimes meet 

We smile red handed I'm near the street 

She's sometimes moves further but facing me better 

The palest of skin    crepe paper    thin 

Mine holding violin under my chin 

I've little business the fancy food pricey 

I'm richly rewarded just melody making 

Entranced without entering seldom speaking 

Every one likes you she said very  kindly 

I'm so out of practice I need reminding 

I'll tune up my act and shower interest 

Younger most certainly that's not my business  

It's not inappropriate to look in her eyes 

Not only thru panes wall sized 

She notices me how can't she

What she hears I'm not sure 

But sees people tip me or smiles mature 

Maybe I'll chance it if not a date

At least more chatting see how we relate 

SE Portland 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ahab Boromir stove


    Boromir for his father fell

Amid fellowship syncline, thus lucifer their stumble advertised 

In clarion indiscretion 

           The gnostic parable

Orc and Prince the same tuned lyre

          Pride obey his mealy soul 

Movie tells as much 

To deny is complicity

 Shallow ring lust  wears our all.


Know ye the name, story 

Without climb? Sea stories ride greater 


not adversary nor antagonist desist,

swim amid swell, find fellowship

           nor blubber dinner 

              Choice not flank 

Not choice flank nor upper rank 

          Boromir ahab stove.  


Gollum not queequeg history tooth filed by scale, under waterfalls dremel  

As time is known our hobby age 

         A bone in throat or one 

Thru the nose two kings high low 

Chase same in rage 

            Precious a jewel eye frames,

            The chase defines man 

Queequeg nobility; his casket bobs past the end, his means razor kind 

Gollum his scramble no gambit his fellowship honestly lurid  

The way shown exact this price

Only cannibal known....expect worst device 


Strider alone and Las Lego  survive 

The hobbit bandit, mortality elves away glide 

    Starbuck flaw: craven to man's law, Achilles also one weak link define all 

Stand up or plow under 

Ishmael to story endure 

                  Bend or snap.

Bookmarked in volume quaint 

geriatric domesticity eats with preserves 

No shire in ocean 

man harbors cruelty a troll serving men 

Shark, whale, dolphin, orca all kin 

Blooded warm or cold 

Born alive, live in concentric chase 

Tale tail heads up, voyage erased  


Borrow more burrow more 

One stop hero store 

Me a deer, I Roe myself 

Far, a long long game of Pun. 

Syncline once dinosaurs trod,

Level ground not slanted 

Story provides.

Kennewick man beneath mud hid, 

Chinese redhaired six foot

Seal his belly deal sealed. 

Earth shook, thus syncline bookshelf incline reclined, defined unsteady 

The goblet slid 

Wizard capped his noggin in a nightcap 

Wine hospitably dram sized. Nailed to mast the doubloon everyheart its Andes wobbled 

Gold precious worthless unless packing a tooth from sweets long unsupervised 

The Pharisee discreet aboard smuggled mercenary, sauron his hoards promised gruel slop and birth from war hammock pigskin

Harvey Weinstein their model I'm told delicious couch casting on prisons lead floors 

Is overmuch reflection 

Reductive for savor, to gloat what evil once fed is after caught, vilified? 

Ask pope, ask Harry Potter, trans-fixing profiteers try changing klannish sheets to profit Quoth the Raven, Evermore 

Archetypes mother elucidate 

No need oratory brow beating debate 

Well rounded no fable

Sheds RAAIN sans gable 

Lewis and Clark and Alice and Squanto the Mad Hatter Know. 

Baroque frosting the scone shun 

Dipped in ginormous aplomb 

Send me Tahiti a place far away 

My internal dictionary Smaug slay 

Metaphors mixed like races with sailors 

Sea glass Lahinas lady traces 

Fire can't erase tho volcano give a go 

Growing flippers to tread Darwin 

As Florida bans drag shows 

Waterfront fleet in faggy white britches polish their medals and court lasses 

What do I know I snooze by the skunk

More often I'm lessoned in grog slam dunk 

Yo Ho pirate jenny STD aplenty 

Noah two by two used coconut glue to marry twain settlers 

Guiness world records atop everest in a seed bank glacier deleted best intentions 

No savings time rollback Darwin afforded 

Catch 22 damned if you don't if you should you won't Grant Lee pardon kant  

Obscure, tough taco, back to philosophy basics   MRE pemmican 

and water bullrun