Saturday, November 4, 2017

tidbit teaser

rabbit rode out on a train to meet the mallard delgates
there by the Of Course Lake
near a colosseum made of mallard wishbones
and wattle and daub assorted-styrofoam boat seats
they were convening to party like mockstar
quite frankly, and share grog of peat juice
their favorite colloboration
selling well in liverpool and quebec too
when along came fox in his auto mobile
wearing a scrappy smirk and a bib
"hey fellahs need a lift"
"quack off and bite my long ears"  they told Fox
he puttered off over a cliff with no impact
and rabbit and mallard entered the great colosseum
filled with giant carrot sculptures and lilly pad sofas
it was a rollicking good party
they wagered and indian leg wrestled sealed handshakes in spit and hugged,
it was a partnership of groggy prominence
and unstoppable sales potential. at the end
rabbit hopped off home under the grounds of a thousand trees
and mallard took wing with hundreds of others
to galaxies of water and nibble fish and even muskrat
                                                              is nice on thursdays
*   *   * 
tiny leopards do enormous leaps off an endless tree
they land so softly the ground signs a check
to mother nature, gravity makes marble dust freeze in time
                                                                    tiny leopards do that.
*   *   *
mice do their business down by the baseboard
under the sink and lick the dripwater and
do harvest dances wearing the regalia of their ancestors
and hold sunday school with free lunches and boxes of bellyjeans
mice form unions mice go sing bawdy songs mice
                                                             mice mice mice
*   *   *
terminator the worm gnawed a hole
thru the gas can and went to bed over a painted lovely sponge
there was moonlight thru the rustholes
he could hear cricket playing fiddle down in the bog
he could see the shadow of egret
he could be more still than an unrustable love
he could hope to go visit the full moon of no fear
or grow some wings if he was that kind of worm
and not the intergalactic robot kind
sent here to run for office, very slowly, and only
by rolling there in an okie-gypsy can
*  *   *
recall ye the salty old sailor and his unspeakable prowess
on the seas of most of his life never barfing
only barking orders thru waves of sloshy ocean stuff
at men men men used to taking it
with a smile and splinter remedy of octopi tears
they were setting net for the
gold mermaids however politically wrong that may seem now
recall the salty old sailor was a classic jerk
with insatiable prowess of which the gold mermaid
reluctantly and nervously dealt with
by stealing his sardines
what they were good at was ship wreck howards, so
the salty sailor would sign them up
for the tycoons on land too busy with hunting or war or football
who would escort the mermaids in their own
submersibles of fortune hunting caricatures
the salty sailor wanted nothing to do with anything but the
sea, but ya gots to pay the piper he says and
the accordions go wild and stupid stunts land blows
they sleep like dogs in a pile of rocking boat water
mermaids prefer to swim alongside,
telling their romantic tales and warning of octopi fans
in the mall and around strange sturgeons
but the salty sailor he has told them the nightmare to boil ya in shivers
                                                                                 make yer eyelids go peely
                                                                  have ya a blister on the nose from
                                                   laughting up a tornado of slobber
                        while learning ya the betters
if ya'd only soak it in( thats a tough sell)                       but nature makes it.
*   *   *
they were tweenage minks, looking for trouble in rainbow land
they had a truck of hot candy at the ballgame
they sold it for a thousand gazillion double helix sand dollars
they bought mink coats for their friends
everyone was their friend
they all looked like
minks, as you can imagine. slender, regal, and bathed in rainbows
they made music videos, they got old and wrinkled,
they became philosophers and said really odd things
but the rainbows had permanently colored their eyes
they were So Beautiful
that is why they became President.

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