Monday, November 13, 2017

vostok 2

poem lake, trapped in a million miles of ice,
no one wants to drink you.
mammoth swill,
rink of unchampioned neanderthal,
what pole shift entered you in the dustbunny races to solitude?
with sigh interest accumulation,
stock in vostok plummets by the bit of drill
fracking pristine imagery.
the high men above break thru,
slurry of antifreeze in shot glasses the size of oil drums
never doubt the russians
innured cold warriors
dauntless in dumb stupored intelligence that tells them
riches tapped, arctic caps,
microbial vials and battery socks
one can't wade the same waters twice
no one wants
to think
we exist undisturbed, pangea, pandora,
gaia sedated in a slough of frost
freezeframe sampletons
simpletons....what a speck speaks,
glistened unseen

2-21-12 portland

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