Thursday, November 30, 2017

volva the seer

godan goes gut questioning the volva the seers
down on a knee trance immersed consultation trade show
marijuana smoke incense in a bear skull
opens woden eye to their level
shud ice unlock above village homes
shud famine rool does hfrafn attack
seior seer seized her wand knocked open odin
open golden entry
sheer glass mirror mountains 
sybolled in colored fire runes
covered carts ferry enormous speeds on roads hundreds of nations long
ships filled like wingless dragons with citizens
lift beyond sight nearly silent
arms and legs, sown on after battle
in ever day palaces of light and ammonia
fingers and tongues reattached, broken arms
 straighened like daisies
wodan puzzled hard collapsed
drifted realms untasted
farms growing vegetables odd livestock by the billion
woden chewed reindeer jerky
raspberries mead and volva's dark secrets


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