Monday, September 18, 2023

Adaptismal (2019)


the wind and rain Oklahoma

Sweeping down aerial oceans,

Sending water moccasins onto rooftops

Launching snapping turtles

In soups of chemical brine covering

The church graveyard.

Pluck a grey hair from the mare

To mend the fiddle bow,

Cimarron soft shell turtles

Swim the new dustbowl mud

Over the banks

And their fiscal lies.

Helicopters noodle stranded citizens

Out of dark unseemly quagmires

Jesus forgot to subsidize.

Two million gallons per second

Top keystone,

The masonry is torn from below

Where speedboat parts return their nylons

To the oily muck.

O the wind and rain,

Doppler dunce hats and silo caps

Take featherless wing

Where monarch armies once clouded

Sky in black and orange.

Cowpokes tie ropes to their livestock

And pull their last rare beef

Off the barn beams.

God didn't forsake you

You thick lumps. Take your little

Lumps and red meat prayers,

Head for higher ground to spot the twister

Wiping the gas stations off

The map. Up the winding stair

Mountains is true

Grit and autotuned country hits,

The ancient seas are

Back, teeming with antediluvian foes.

Jesus on stilts

Will shepherd your kin if theyismal

Believe in the

Wrath of sour grapes and elemental science. Eat the whole storm

And get free pontoons with a fill up.

O the mind and b


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