Thursday, September 21, 2023

Gist-schism (2017)


energy, child of hell  (spoilt                 yuppie spawn

gushed russian giddy-glue           across our lawn

soaking hart roe                             stag& fawn;

         stealing life's   

   cradle perfect yawn

stasis brews                            primordial eyed

bangless photons   (without mullets) sighed;

humor vacuum,                    black holy thighs

                    in which light sinks,  solemnized.

break: (scatters( planet-balls,               solar systems,

    symmetry congeals            human pistons;

union reveals entropy visions                gist-shisms,

   yang spins yin as blot /told                  shinto-isms

   Try (just try, expanding hair                  back into skull

     Extinct with right whales in              man's rabid Lull


Mt Tabor Oregon

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