Monday, September 18, 2023

Raucous Hocus pocus (2017)


Whereso snock yon nobleman, besmirched

Yon maiden tent in showers autumn-gold,

   Young jim there spilled his bloody perch,

   His fighting fish, on lawn:     vomit-bold

Far removed from gut-spilling biddys

(Who booze-pumpkined) young jim whils't strum guitar,

   Last Prance charm trance, everyone giddy

   Blankets, weed, trailmix; wine in jars

Twenty bands of the city, a barn off the grid,

Folk dopehead goddesses, rich from sold lids;

   Capping the captains, down in the mess hall

   Raucous rock weekend, welcome were all


  Die o dionysus, remit gut's remainder

  After such show, such gallant retainers

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