Monday, September 25, 2023

Sates the ravenous bear (2018)


It wasn't what you meant to inscribe

It didn't pause the particles

The tracks over space and time never to love

Unfurled it wasn't a destinynation on purpose

It was amber waves of sound sand

There drooled america into an abyss

It couldn't define quantum charades

Not on such long notice

Not with big brother's overcoat of tall glass

Chiseling tedium to binary arts

Meaning more hole

Rigmarole as the axe finds relax in summers

Kindling pile of spider babies

Writing our tome in silk and splinter bait

There vanished america into morass

Made in absense of form

Out of quark hiccups and accounting shims

Rammed to the bitgroin

The united sates the ravenous bear 



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