Thursday, December 14, 2017

bonfire in drizzle (1995)

my sight and scent obscured to coyote
as i shat on plywood shitter
a stubby tailed  thirty feet away
behind a tree
i jumped up as humanly quiet as possible
went peering about-----gone.
ghostlike, leaving me clutching TP,
pants about the ankles


i like to crap outside
wipe and walk
versus cash and carry
no flush roar waste


intent on bonfire in daylong drizzle
i haul half rotted trunks
&prune boingy pinelimbs
w/an old hatchet
bout to lose his head


romance does it this way
to insure seeds
get cracked open


hiked further up dry creekbed
thru mossed oakgrowth
&happened upon a tributary, shhhhh
not yet pilfered of carnelian,
agate, petrified woods,
every so often a glowing blood orange eye
looking out from otherwise
drab& earthy collander


no date no clock no media
to hamper
only stones
becca and i throw
upon ourselves, each other
upon, forcing meditative explorations
of deer trails
aligned with stellar geometry


surreal snugly balanced in
backpack, coffee is straining, ma
out hiking or inside with annetta
quiet         as wind cuts
smoothly o'er rock
bare dripping

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