Saturday, December 2, 2017

fjord fallow night

rib riven of seaside oxen driven to death
flank flung on coal bed born beside a black oak
seven seers serene tear severe to bits in bites
ash char snow lettered prehistoric blood scribble spray
ice ballast beard teeters toward keg
fists scabbed wrapped in ointment rags plundered
of southern thrusts plunged draining dawn of sun
slung moon songs hurled breath smoke
under eight pelts four furs six trees three rivers solid mtn sweat
mothers birth men yet cry to scare wolves stiff distant
in dens won by woe found wanting
creel harpoon craft mast listing in mist bygone tomorrow to battle
a silver rattle left and earrings persian glass
time sealed in twelve century slough night tantalizes mead heavy mind
a brace of narwhale ivory mends a leather pillow of a man
old known tree sounds fire speaks seasons secret lines
the fjord mirror draped in loam and foals child chased
her shield resting more tested his spear ready less flaunted
reindeer swim amid star filled lakes glacier gotten
acorn rolls name game the wood script floats off intelligent
cloak unhurried a button waits finger frozen
sleep steams breath falls not far afield of brows sheltered
three roosters call fallow nights hold over
in goldrimmed henbane pots ice capped from sitting
knot known by woden born the day belongs

5-31-17 Portland

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