Friday, December 15, 2017

geminid gypsy

geminid gypsy, gyrates poetically correct

     hurtling pacifist, non passive accoutreMonts,

hurtling stone hors d'oeuvres circumspect

   talisman to mortality, predicament.

geminid gypsy asked to move on, tarried

   hitched up to earth gravity, married

sparking shotgun weddings prince harried,

   sizzling falcon eyed rainbows, parried

geminid twined, bound braid-lashed ingress;

   slamming to wake ocean floor mantle , ditto:

nine layers of possible timewaves egress

   rippling time granite, tsunami whammO

   geminid gypsy camped high on mount tabor

   lifted near crow flight, rare visit-neighbor

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