Friday, December 15, 2017

love forged words

drown doldrums in love letters leaves,
bonfires escaped, pack rat unpleased,
tally the kisses promise delivered
savor perfumes paper misted

dwell on the images photo bona fide,
passionate cave art even Time can't hide
ultimate pledges, sweet pain of youth
harmonious contracts, poetry forsooth

floats maelstroms in love letters haunts,
waves enamored, bilge, overfull trypot ,
syrup the hauls of romances long won
far out at sea, in homes silkworm spun

kiss the tangible, her tangy wood skin,
t                   ouch stamps on the letter 
her heart made so thin,

sniff detail, the canter, the lope
                    of souls fixed, 
read touchings in word forged lunatic bliss 

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