Friday, December 15, 2017

forsooth, the narwhale

poetry forsooth floats human harbor's better
   climes, amid dank dredging's sea-baptised
detritus, whittled perspective wood -redders,
   saw quohog & seasoned salts, capsized;

poetry forsooth fleets flounder schools sleeker,
   able to jet unjittered---- thru coral razors
in sentence bubbles ......evasion's art meeker
   as bait glows or feigns, hiding small lasers;

poetry forsooth claws nebulae from the net
   allowing humans to catch what gods only get
rare trappings of mind, as prescient yet
   drapes flesh over horizon, a personal pet;

   poetry forsooth clams all Thing all so deep,
   butter bay washings, my chowder of sleep.

mt tabor Oregon


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